June 14, 2023
In its second annual conference: The Arab Economic Forum discusses opportunities for the growth of Arab society and its challenges in the face of vital and burning issues The Arab Economic Forum held its second annual conference, last Thursday (10/3) in Dabbah Hall in Deir al-Assad. This year, the conference dealt with the economy of the Arab community in terms of its growth, opportunities for revitalization, and the challenges surrounding it. The conference was attended by a large number of Arab businessmen, initiators […] Read More >
June 14, 2023
The first country conference of the Arab Economic Forum and Globes newspaper “It is time for us to pay attention to our economic issues.” The first Arab Economic Conference will be held on TuesdayThe conference will be held on Tuesday, November 12, at the Golden Crown Hotel in Nazareth at 9:30, and it will discuss many societal issues and show them with numbers and data. The Arab […] Read More >
June 14, 2023
The conclusion of the businessmen conference “The Stock Exchange is a lever for the growth of Arab companies” in Sakhnin A great success for the Businessmen Conference in Sakhnin, which was organized by the Arab Economic Forum within the joint activities with the Stock Exchange, the Securities Authority, Deloitte, the largest company in the world in the field of professional services, which includes more than 263 thousand employees and is represented by Mr. Mohamed Hibi, […] Read More >
June 14, 2023
The Arab Economic Forum, in cooperation with Arab Knesset members, succeeds in removing the law “Limiting the Use of Cash and Its Possession in Homes” from the Settlements Law (State Budget) The advocacy campaign led by the Forum, and the pressures it exerted on decision-makers, resulted in postponing the ratification of the law and returning it to the Finance Committee for further deliberations. It is noteworthy that the Arab Economic Forum sent a detailed letter to the chairman and members of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, including […] Read More >
June 14, 2023
Launching the Arab Entrepreneurs Forum Yesterday marked an important milestone in the history of Arab entrepreneurship in Israel, with the launch of the Arab Entrepreneurship Forum. The event brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, including entrepreneurs, government delegates, heads of startups, NGOs, and private sector organizations, all united around a common goal, which is to promote and empower Arab […] Read More >
June 14, 2023
The first conference of the Arab Economic Forum in the Stock Exchange In partnership with the Organization of Senior Administrators in Companies and under the title: Socio-economic pluralism: Challenges for administrators in the era of ‘Diversity’ The first joint conference of the Arab Economic Forum and the Organization of Administrators took place on Monday, 17.12.18, at the Stock Exchange Hall in Tel Aviv, between the hours of […] Read More >