Transport in Arab Society – Characteristics and Trends

Early retirement due to gender and ethnic marginalization

Higher education among Arab society in the shadow of the Corona crisis

The land and the pastures are economic landscapes

The challenges of economic development in Arab local authorities

Different Aspects of discrimination against Palestinians citizens in Israel

Self-Employed Arabs in Israel

The Effect of the War and Employment Trends in Arab Society

The rise in food prices and its effect on Arab society in Israel

On Law Required in “Service Inventions”: Toward Promoting Growth and Equity in the Labor Market

Demographic Report – Press Release

Childbearing decline in the Arab community in Israel

The state budget for the years 2021-2022

The Economic Observer – Labor Market Analysis – Q42019-Q42020

The impact of the Corona crisis on poverty in the Arab society

The extent of the Corona pandemic’s contribution to the exacerbation of socio-economic inequality among Palestinians in Israel

Poverty among Arabs in Israel in the period 2005-2018

Economic recovery plan for families in the Arab community in Israel

Working conditions of Arab society in light of the Corona crisis

Obstacles to the participation of Arab women in the labor market in Israel

Recovery plan for the field of workers and employment

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