Layoffs for Participating in a Strike – Letter Template for Employers

We are contacting you regarding the matter in question on behalf of the Arab Economic Forum (AR) and on behalf of the employee concerned, as follows:

The Arab Economic Forum is a research body whose goal is to strengthen the economy of the Arab population, and to conduct research on the unique economy, the obstacles to its development and perfection; and regarding its advantages and strengths. The Arab Economic Forum provides a professional and research umbrella for Arab researchers, businessmen and entrepreneurs, and operates, among other things, through the Arab Businessmen Club, whose membership includes more than 150 prominent businessmen and women in the Arab community, in addition to other public opinion makers.
It has come to our attention that on May 18, 2021, due to the employee concerned not arriving at work [alternative wording according to the circumstances: due to the employee concerned notifying him of his inability to report to work on May 18, 2021], and due to the general strike declared by the Supreme Monitoring Committee for Arab Affairs, it notified that employee of his immediate dismissal, without any hearing procedure – organized or at all.
We would like to inform you that dismissal on this basis may not meet the test of jurisprudence as dismissal for business reasons; They are suspected of being unlawfully dismissed on the grounds of discrimination and/or “excessiveness” – all in view of the constitutional status of the right to freedom of expression.
The above is doubly serious when the dismissal is carried out in a manner that does not comply with the procedure stipulated by law and in the rulings of the labor courts – including holding a proper hearing, before a decision is made in the employee’s case. This is most likely the reason for the claim of unlawful dismissal.
Given the Arab public’s share of the consumer market and the labor market, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that this unfair behavior may have significant marketing consequences for your organization.
Please respond to this letter as soon as possible.

With all due respect and best wishes for a return to a quiet routine,

Dr. Sami Miari

Chairman of the Arab Economic Forum
Lecturer at Tel Aviv University and Oxford University

Physics at the University of Tel Aviv – Business Administration at the University of Maasik

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