Major Israeli media ignores the need to educate Arab citizens about the Corona virus

Minister of Communications David Amsalem
Chairman of the Second Television and Radio Authority Yulia Shamalov Berkowitz
Chairman of the Press Council Judge (retired) Dalia Dorner

The major media outlets in Israel ignore the need to educate Arab citizens about the Corona virus
Arab citizens in Israel are subject to discrimination in receiving information from the major media outlets regarding the Corona virus, its fight and methods of defending against it.
These days, the main means of communication are required to convey current and daily information between the state’s leadership and its citizens regarding the fight against the Corona virus. We are now witnessing the phenomenon of the major media ignoring the Arab citizens of the State of Israel.
The Keshet 12 and Reshet 13 news channels broadcast long hours of news about the spread of the Corona virus and its consequences for the population in Israel. Unfortunately, these channels do not mention the 20% of the population of the State of Israel who speak Arabic.
We were also surprised when the weekly news program in Arabic that was broadcast on the network’s Channel 13 was removed from the screen about two weeks ago. We do not understand Network 13’s answer as stated in the article published on the Seventh Eye website, according to which the program was stopped due to the current situation that requires regular updates throughout the day. What about regular updates for Arab citizens in Israel?
We call on the Minister of Communications, the Chairman of the Second Television and Broadcasting Authority, the Chairman of the Press Council, and policymakers in the main news channels to take immediate action so that Israeli citizens who speak Arabic can also receive the information they are sorely missing regarding the Corona virus and its economic, health, and social consequences.
We ask you to work on broadcasting a daily news program in Arabic on Keshet Channel and Network 13, and to include Arabic translation in the various news broadcasts. In addition, we ask that the various programs on these channels present the factors affecting the Arab population to clarify the risks of contracting the Corona virus and how to reduce them. We will of course be happy to provide assistance in any way for this important cause.

At the Arab Economic Forum
The Arab Economic Forum is an independent, non-profit center for social and economic policy research. The Forum aims to research social and economic issues, and conduct applied studies and policy studies in the fields of economics and society, with the aim of bringing about a radical change in the social and economic situation of the Arab-Palestinian community in Israel.
The Forum is financially and administratively independent, and has no party or sectarian affiliation. It operates under the supervision of a Board of Trustees consisting of well-known academics and public figures in Israel and abroad. The Board of Trustees determines the Center’s research policy, approves its plans and budget, and supervises the implementation of the plans. The Center is managed on an ongoing basis by the Board of Trustees, Dr. Sami Miari, and its work is supervised by an independent auditor who is also appointed by the Board of Trustees.

The Forum’s vision is to provide equal opportunities for the entire Arab community in Israel in all areas of life, and to fully integrate the values ​​of financial education to the Arab population in Israel.

Best regards,
Dr. Sami Miari CEO of the Arab Economic Forum
Dr. Sabah Karachabi, Research Director at the Arab Economic Forum

CEO of 12 News: Avi Weiss
CEO of 13 News: Israel Tweet


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