Arab students at Tel Aviv University in light of the political and security situation in the country

President of Tel Aviv University
Prof. Ariel Porat

Arab students at the university in light of the political and security situation in the country

In view of the repeated complaints from students due to the outbreak of the security situation, we address you today and ask for your involvement in the current situation that has led to deviation among students on the basis of national affiliation. We also hope that you will take immediate steps to protect and safeguard the students, all as detailed below:
1. Providing protection and maintaining the safety of students, whether on campus or in student housing.
2. Establishing a dedicated hotline in the name of the university that will respond to inquiries from male and female students through coordination with the security and guard forces on the university campus.
3. Coordinating with organized police patrols in the campus area, especially in the evening hours, to maintain the safety of all students.
4. Addressing all professors at the university with a message drawing their attention to the sensitivity of the situation and the importance of understanding and inclusiveness for all Arab and Jewish students. We ask you to take into account the difficulties facing students during this period, and to facilitate them in terms of submitting papers and exams, and to put their mental health at the center. 5. Deal with students’ complaints seriously and specifically, and deal with each case individually with extreme sensitivity and caution, especially when it comes to incitement of all kinds and violent incidents.

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