The first conference of the Arab Economic Forum in the Stock Exchange

The first conference of the Arab Economic Forum in the Stock Exchange

In partnership with the organization of senior managers in companies and under the title:

Socio-economic pluralism: the challenges of administrators in the age of diversity

The first joint conference of the Arab Economic Forum and the Organization of Administrators was held on Monday, December 17, 2018, at the stock exchange hall in Tel Aviv, between the hours of 09:00-12:30.

The program included a representation of the Arab community of businessmen, professionals and academics to speak in front of senior officials in decision-making centers about the importance of ethnic diversity for economic development.

The conference was opened by Professor Yossi Geros, Chairman of the Council of the Organization of Administrators in Israel and Dr. Sami Mi’ari, lecturer at Jamia Tel Aviv and general manager (founder) of the Arab Economic and Accounting Forum Iris Shatarek, president of the accountants union in Israel. Then she gave the following lectures:

The Stock Exchange as an engine for the socio-economic development of businesses in the Arab community – Lior Navon, sales manager at the Stock Exchange in Tel Aviv.
The responsibility of administrators and those in high positions in the business world and ways to face crises – attorney Gilad Kats, partner, law firm Sh. Horowitz, and Co.
Challenges of financial risk management in Israeli society – Professor Leo Lederman, economic advisor at the Workers’ Bank.
The experience of Arab and Jewish women in administrative positions – d. Maha Sabah-Karkabi, director of the research department at the Arab Economic Forum.

The lectures were followed by a session entitled “The impact of pluralism in administrative positions in decision-making centers on Arab society and the Israeli economy in general”. The session was moderated by lawyer Nafeh Sobrisky, co-director of the forum of administrations promoting change. The participants in the session are Issa Khoury, a businessman and a member of the board of directors of the Arab Economic Forum. Nabil Tutari, director of guidance and responsible for development projects in the Arab community. Accounting Iman Zoabi, member of the committee of the Nazareth branch of the accountants’ association. The lawyer d. Mehdi Naamaneh, Legal Advisor, Al-Mashdawi Group. Attorney Avigal Kastial, partner and manager of the real estate department at the law firm Sh. Horovich and Co.

It is worth mentioning that the Arab Economic Forum is an independent non-profit research center (association) for scientific and applied research specialized in socio-economic issues and policies in the Palestinian Arab community in Israel. The importance and distinction of this center lies in its specialization in studying the economic and social issues and their ramifications on the Palestinian Arab community, as well as in its ability to support business strategies for decision makers that will contribute to facing the economic and social dilemmas and challenges faced by the Palestinian Arab community in Israel. Recently.

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