Violence in the Arab sector – the role of the police

In the previous article, we dealt with the issue of violence in the Arab sector from an economic perspective, and we showed by analysis that violence in the Arab sector is not a transient boom, an exceptional case, or a phenomenon that has no factors and causes, but rather that it is the result of conditions available to it, and reasons and factors that enabled it to grow and expand, and we have referred to The studies as a whole agree on the existence of this relationship between the difficult economic conditions and violence, and that it is not normal for the two cases to coincide at the same time and in one place. The previous article was based on the fact that it is not a coincidence that economic marginalization and unemployment spread in Arab society on the one hand, and violence spreads in it on the other hand, while the rest of the country has a low crime rate while the rest of the country enjoys a prominent economic status. We have traced the relationship between them, which was represented in the cause and the cause. The low economic data and indicators in the Arab sector coincided with chaos in the forms, images and manifestations of violence, especially in the last two decades. The present question was: Can the rise and improvement of economic conditions in a society reduce, limit, or mitigate this violence? And it was that we alluded to the fact that social and economic studies in this field concluded that the answer is yes. For example, what we witnessed of bloodshed in Acre reflects the politicized state of poverty that aims to sow despair in the hearts of its people, and the state of Judaization against its citizens and targeting their identity, and not ending with countless schemes and suspicious parties plotting in this country. However, the issue is more complex than stopping at one reason without paying attention to other factors that contribute to its enrichment and work to strengthen it and its spread without supervision or accountability. For this reason, we will stop in this article at another reason that has a major role in the high rate of violence in the Arab sector, which is the absence of deterrence. From the police institution and the relevant official authorities. In the past, the sages said: (Indeed, God removes by the ruler what he does not dispel by the Qur’an). . Just as God, who created the creation and He told them, was not satisfied with enticing people to heaven and reward, but rather balanced between temptation and intimidation, so He warned them of His oppression, punishment, and Hell. Because the cultural, media, religious and patriotic aspect is not enough to affect the souls that have deviated and the minds that have been distorted and taken from crime as a profession and a means by which they achieve their desires for financial and social influence. Deterrence must be the last treatment, as it was said in the past: The last treatment is cauterization with fire. The police must have a decisive role in discovering crimes before they occur first, and then in tracking the threads of the crime and revealing its circumstances, motives and parties in order to take measures and actions that prevent its recurrence and then arrest everyone involved and implement the deterrent punishment against him. In the beginning, laws must be applied against those who commit felonies, crimes, misdemeanors, and mistakes until deterrence becomes present and reduces this trend. Crime and this scientific fact is proven in the experiences of developed countries in this field, such as: France, Spain and Italy, where they have deep experiences in combating crime, especially organized international crime. Without the number of police personnel equipped financially and morally, these countries would not have been able to control their security and borders, protect their property, and so on. The number of police personnel must be commensurate with the size of the area and its population in order to cover the entire area even if more than one crime occurred in the same area at the same time. These individuals must also have a sense of responsibility and duty that drives them to take note of and control emergency situations. The inner motive latent in the soul is the true guide, leader, and teacher that pushes for sincere devotion even if it leads to sacrifice, because the police must be at the service of the people if they are credible and courageous and view citizens as equal before the law. We have the right to ask here in the Arab sector about the role of the police, its readiness and the extent of its seriousness in this regard… Will the police play an effective pioneering role in order to curb these heinous manifestations of violence that led the Arab sector to lead in the rate of murder in the country? If the performance of the police in Acre, Sakhnin, Nazareth, Kafr Kanna, Umm al-Fahm, Arraba, and Kafr Qara, to name a few… was the same as its performance in Tel Aviv, Herzliya, Netanya, Ramatagan, Petah Tikva, and Ashdod… Would our situation be as it is today??? Will our crime rate be the same as it is today? Will we be among the regions mired in chaos and the spread of crime? This leads us to talk with all clarity and frankness about the old phenomenon of the mukhtar (traditional leadership), that is: mediation… It is not reasonable for mediation to continue to bear fruit in liberating the perpetrators of crimes from the grip of the police. In many cases that I witnessed, I saw how the perpetrators of criminal acts are sometimes released during Hours from the police stations with the efforts of the mukhtar (mediation) under amazement and astonishment to find a role for mediation in a system that claims progress and commitment to law and order. This illegal process has two common parties: the leader who mediated for the criminal and freed him from prison within hours, and the other: he is the policeman – according to his location and name – who responded to the influence of the mukhtar on him, so he facilitated the process and this confirms that these two parties are involved in the crime because they provided protection to the perpetrator Thus, they encouraged him to repeat it, and their role is no less dangerous than his role, because his release from prison and his escape from the grip of the police will also encourage others to

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