Organizing a professional workshop in Sakhnin at the initiative of the Arab Economic Forum, the General Manager of the Bank of Israeland members of the Bank’s Board of Directors

Organizing a professional workshop in Sakhnin at the initiative of the Arab Economic Forum, the General Manager of the Bank of Israel and members of the Bank’s Board of Directors

At the initiative of the Arab Economic Forum, an economic workshop was held in Sakhnin, which dealt with important economic and social issues for Arab society at this important time of the Corona crisis, and the issue of government policies in the recent period. The meeting included three working sessions, in which members of Sakhnin Municipality, Sakhnin College administration, and elite businessmen in the Arab sector participated. The first session, which was held in the municipality of Sakhnin, focused on economic problems and obstacles to the economic situation in the Arab sector and Sakhnin as a model. The session also touched on the failures of Plan 922 and the reasons for not implementing it in recent years. There was also talk about the possibility and methods of obtaining budgets for local authorities, and the possibility of exploiting the current crisis as an opportunity in the operational field. As for the second session, which was held in Sakhnin College, it dealt with the academic issue and the possibility of exploiting the region as a model for academic development, and opening higher education institutions as a lever for economic development. In the third session, which was held with elite businessmen, it was discussed about banks’ dealings with commercial interests, especially during the period of the Corona crisis. The session also dealt with the issue of loans obtained by Arab business owners, and the lack of financial liquidity granted to commercial interests. At the end of the day, there were recommendations to the bank’s institution, which promised to raise such topics and issues to the government, considering the bank as the economic advisor to the government. An agreement was also reached on a series of future activities between the Arab Economic Forum and the Bank of Israel.

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