GloboSchool, in association with Intel, offers a series of computer-based courses to assist business ventures

Interview with Dr. Maha Sabah: The repercussions of the Corona crisis on Arab society

Interview with Dr. Sami Meari on the Knesset Channel about business interests and loans

Participation of researchers from the Economic Forum for a research project at the University of Haifa to study the impact of Corona on economic and social disparities

An urgent message to the government about procedures and restrictions in light of the Corona crisis

In light of the Corona crisis: The Economic Forum forms a professional economic committee to serve Arab commercial interests free of charge

3 mistakes in the 922 plan we should learn from

Violence in Arab society: factors, repercussions, and the way to escape

Violence in the Arab sector – the role of the police

The black market in the Arab sector… its dangers and its victims in light of the Corona crisis

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